Bids Opportunities, Crawford News|

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for the purpose of installation of Roadway Re-Striping and Rumble Strips on approximately 22.20 miles of various roadways throughout Crawford County.

Sealed bids will be received for Road Re-Striping and Rumble Strips for Various County Roads at the Crawford County Board of Commissioners, 640 GA Hwy 128, Roberta, Georgia, 31078 until July 26, 2023 at 1:00p.m, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.

The work will consist generally of the following:

  1. Re-Striping – Center Lines & Edge Lines
  2. Rumble Strips

The contractor shall be responsible for assuring all material and labor used for this project are in compliance with current GDOT standards and specifications.

Copies of the road list may be obtained from Crawford County Board of Commissioners, 640 GA Hwy 128, Roberta, Georgia 31078, or the county website.

Crawford County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to overlook and/or disregard informalities or irregularities in the proposals.

No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with Crawford County Board of Commissioners prior to the time set forth above and accompanied by appropriate Insurance Certificates. Bids arriving after the designated time will be returned, unopened.

640 GA HWY 128
P.O. BOX 1059

View Bid HERE

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