NOTICE: seeking request for qualifications from qualified engineering firms for 2025 water project

Crawford County is in the process of applying for grant funding to assist with county water lines improvements. The county is seeking an engineering firm with broad experience to provide design and construction supervision for this project that will utilize funds primarily from the CDBG grant program, if awarded. These grants are funded by the …

NOTICE: accepting bids for 2024 LRA street improvements

Sealed bids will be received for the 2024 LRA, Street Improvements at the Crawford County Board of Commissioners, 640 Georgia Highway 128, Roberta, Georgia, 31078 until Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 11:00A.M.(Local Time), at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The work under this Contract will consist generally of the following: The …

NOTICE: Request for Proposals-Interior Improvements to the Crawford County Conference Center

Crawford County Board of Commissioners will accept proposals from Interior Improvements to the Crawford County Conference Center. Proposals should be received at the County Administration Office no later than 2:00pm on Tuesday November 14, 2023. All proposals shall be sealed and clearly marked “Conference Center Interior Improvements” on the outside. Bid packages can be obtained …

NOTICE: Request for Proposals-Solid Waste Disposal

Crawford County Board of Commissioners will accept proposals from interested Solid Waste disposal companies to provide collection and disposal services for the County. Proposals should be received at the County Administration Office no later than 2:00pm on Wednesday October 25, 2023. All proposals shall be sealed and clearly marked “Solid Waste Contract Proposal” on the …

NOTICE: accepting bids for the purpose of installation of Roadway Re-Striping and Rumble Strips on approximately 22.20 miles of various roadways throughout Crawford County.

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for the purpose of installation of Roadway Re-Striping and Rumble Strips on approximately 22.20 miles of various roadways throughout Crawford County. Sealed bids will be received for Road Re-Striping and Rumble Strips for Various County Roads at the Crawford County Board of Commissioners, 640 GA Hwy …

NOTICE: accepting sealed bids for Rec Dept parking lot

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids to prepare the area and apply +-628 cubic yards of asphalt two inches thick at the Recreation Department parking lot. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Crawford County Government Complex located at 640 GA Hwy 128 Roberta, GA 31078 until 3:00 P.M. Friday, July …

RPF NOTICE: Construction of a new Youth Center

Crawford County is requesting statements of qualifications from architecture firms interested in assisting the county in its effort to Construction of a new Youth Center to be funded through state and local funds including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Interested parties are invited to secure an RFQ package from Tiffany Dobbins, Middle Georgia …

Bid Notice: Renovations of the Crawford County Health Department

Notice is hereby given that the Crawford County Board of Commissioners will award a contract to the lowest responsible, qualified, bidder, based on sealed bids submitted to the County Commission Office, located at 640 GA Highway 128 Roberta, GA 31078, no later than 2:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, Thursday September 09, 2021, for the renovations …

Accepting bids for the Crawford County Conference Center Kitchen Improvement Project

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners will be accepting bids for the Crawford County Conference Center Kitchen Improvement Project. Bids must provide all materials, equipment, and labor to construct walls, provide and install kitchen components including all plumbing and electrical connections. Click here for the specifications. Prior to submitting your bid, please contact Jake Watson …

Request for Bids for mansonry work & fencing installation

Crawford County is requesting bids for masory work & fencing installation. For detailed information, click here.


The Commission of Crawford County, Georgia, on behalf of the citizens of the county, wishes to procure the services of qualified individuals, firms, or groups of firms, for professional services in the development of plans and installation of new lighting infrastructure at the county Recreation Complex. The scope of the project will include development of …

Bid Tabulation Sheet for replace the roof on the building housing the Crawford County Library and Jail Department.

SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY REAL PROPERTY – 80 Wright Avenue Roberta (C055A 187A)

SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY – REAL PROPERTY 80 Wright Avenue Roberta (C055A 187A) Crawford County will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase of a parcel of County owned property. Bid should include your contact information, property parcel number and amount of bid. All bids must be submitted or mailed to the Crawford County Administration …

Request for Qualifications and Proposals : Replace the roof on the building housing the Crawford County Library and Jail Department.

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is requesting submittals from qualified construction firms to replace the roof on the building housing the Crawford County Library and Jail Department. If your firm is experienced in similar type and size projects, you are invited to submit your qualifications for consideration and an opportunity to submit a fee …


The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids for three (3) asphalt road paving projects. Please see description of projects, marked map, and bid sheet below or they may picked up the Commissioner’s office located at 1011 Hwy 341 North, Roberta, GA 31078. These projects will require a December 20, 2016 completion. A …

INVITATION TO BID – Sealed bids for the Rowland Road Improvements will be received until September 8, 2016 at 11:00 A.M.

INVITATION TO BID PART 1. GENERAL 1.1 SEALED BIDS Sealed bids for the Rowland Road Improvements will be received until September 8, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. at the Crawford County Commissioners Office, 1011 U.S. Highway 341, Roberta, GA 31071 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Any proposal received after …

Asphalt Paving Project Available for Bid

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids for approximately 850 Tons of spot overlays of 9.5 mm asphalt paving on Smith Chapel Road. These overlays begin at the intersection of US 80 East and Smith Chapel and proceed north for 1.5 miles as marked on the pavement. The work consists of power …


SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY REAL PROPERTY 80 Wright Avenue Roberta (C055A 187A) Reserve Set at $ 0.00 3.72 Acres Hortman Mill Road (C055D 001) Reserve Set at $ 2080.79 1.67 Acres Hortman Mill Road (C056 142A) Reserve Set at $ 1100.00   Crawford County will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase of three (3) …

NOTICE: RFP for The Crawford County Health Department Roof Replacement

The Crawford County Board of Commissioners is requesting submittals from qualified construction firms to replace the roof on the building housing the Crawford County Health Department. If your firm is experienced in similar type and size projects, you are invited to submit your qualifications for consideration and an opportunity to submit a fee proposal for …

NOTICE: Upcoming Appointment of Crawford County Board of Equalization

Upcoming Appointment of Crawford County Board of Equalization In accordance with Georgia laws (O.C.G.A.§48-5-311), the Crawford County Grand Jury is required to appoint an alternate member to the Crawford County Board of Equalization. This appointment is due to the resignation of a regular member from the Board of Equalization. The term of office for this …

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